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This is my first website about fashion dolls. Anything from the famous Barbie to more obscure doll lines like the defunct Fairytale High will be talked about here!

General facts:

  • Barbie was created in 1959 by Ruth and Elliot Handler. the after Ruth witnessed her daughter, Barabra, playing with paper dolls and realized the lack of 3-dimensional "adult" dolls on the market. On a trip to Germany, Ruth came across a Bild Lilli doll, a doll that fit the her idea of an adult doll little girls can play with. However, Lilli was not a child friendly character, like at all. She was originally from a rather "grown up" comic, but that's okay we'll just tone down the racier elements and call her a teenager. And that was how Barbie was born.
  • Over the years, Barbie has gotten quite a large friend group. From her oldest friend Midge(1968) to Newer girls like Daisy(2018), Barbie is almost never seen alone.
  • Since 1959, roughly one billion barbie dolls have been sold.

I don't own the Barbie brand nor the "Barbie Girl" song. Barbie is owned by Mattel Inc.